Monday, June 2, 2008


I was blessed with a WONDERFUL nurse today who really took the ball and ran with it! She got me connected with a Primary Care Physician on this floor, got me ready for X-ray this morning, pushed for me to get the Echocardiogram (which we're still waiting on), and got lots of meds discontinued that I haven't been using off my chart (I'm officially Lidocaine patch-, morphine-, Zanex-, and Ibuprofen-free now!) But, most importantly, she got me outside to walk!!! :) We chatted (imagine that) about life, my illness and recovery, life in general, and how good God is. She will never know how much that meant. I had not been outside (except to walk from the house to the car to the hospital) since Tuesday, May 13th. That was almost 3 weeks ago!! I was starting to feel like those albino creatures in the back of caves (you know, the ones who are blind and have no skin color---lovely visual, I know), and I think she could sense my urgency to breathe a breath of fresh air....yet another thing I will never take for granted again!!! :) Thank you, Karen, for being a blessing today!

On another note, my appetite is back, and I've been able to eat all day! Yea! Never thought
I'd be doing the Happy Dance about that! TeeHee! :)

In closing, I want to share this scripture that seems to fit perfectly with what I've been learning more about the past two by faith.....
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Heb 11:1

Good night, everyone! I'm one day closer to home....and counting!!!!
Joey :)