It's dinnertime, and this is my first attempt to post something to the blog, so it's going to be short and sweet. Since I am definitely going to live (thank the good Lord in Heaven above), and I know Teenski (Tena Reese) and Dombr (Jeff Dombrowski) have gone above and beyond the past week to keep texts flying and blogs posting to keep everyone updated with factual information (thanks to my mom, dad, brother, Andrea and Joey), I will relieve them of this duty and take over the best I can. Thanks guys......from the bottom of my still-beating heart....for taking care of this while I was away!!!! Like I said, it's dinner time, but I can't eat until I let each and every one of you reading this know how much I THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! so very much for your prayers, faith, thoughts, e-mails, cards, goodies, and well wishes! All of those things have kept me going, and I am eternally grateful to each of you! I assure you it will never be forgotten, and I also assure you that the power of prayer is real. I am living proof, and that is not a mellowdramatic, overreactive comment coming from a sick girl (okay, woman.....I am turning 40 this year, so I guess I'm not technically a girl! Ha!) I promise to post when I can, and you know I will.........because I want you to feel like you are HERE!!! HA!
Much love and thanks,
Joey :)