Saturday, May 31, 2008


There are sooooooo many people I need to thank for the last 2 1/2 weeks and all the wonderful random acts of kindness you have shown me and my family, but I hesitate to start saying names and unintentionally leave someone out. So, I'm going to do this the best way I know how and hope that each of you who read this will know your contribution and know that I thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart. I would not be here today if it weren't for each and every one of you and the roles you played!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for.....praying; visiting; encouraging; taking care of me (at home and in the hospital); transporting me to St. Louis; flying my family to St. Louis; sending cards, letters, gifts, goodies, and e-mails; starting a BLOG; keeping everyone posted via texts and e-mail; driving to St. Louis to make a delivery full of gifts and love; visiting me in St. Louis; driving my family back and forth to Arkansas; did I mention praying?; bringing Blake and Brooke to see me; cleaning my house; watering my flowers; getting my mail; mowing my lawn; taking care of the pool; picking up, taking care of, feeding, transporting, and LOVING my kids while I was away!!! For these things and so many more that I know I've forgotten. Thank you all so very much!!!!

Shocking, I know, but it's storming AGAIN!!!!, so I'd hate to get electricuted after all this! Here's my closing scripture for the day from a long-time teacher friend and mentor:

Romans 8:28: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God; to them who are called according to His purpose."

I hope you've enjoyed your Saturday, and have a wonderful Sunday!!!

Much love~

Joey :)