Well, I have tried to post this two times, and it keeps timing me out, so hopefully, the third time will be the charm! I was supposed to go to Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy at 9:30 Thursday morning, but they were running behind. You see, there's this thing called "Hospital Time" that doesn't necessarily coincide with "Joey Time" (Imagine that!), so I'm learning that just because it's written down or scheduled, it doesn't mean the world will stop if it doesn't happen. Hmmm...perhaps a lesson I need to learn?!? :) Well, went to OT and PT @ 11:00, but I was groggy from napping. I was so worried that I would flunk out, and they would send me back. But God decided to go with me (He seems to be doing an awful lot of that lately.), and I perked right up in the frigid therapy room! I had to do several tasks like dress and undress myself, put clothes in the hamper, sit on a regular level toilet (fully-clothed, so don't gross out), step up and down from a platform, lift weights, do several exercises, and walk, walk, walk! The main trick was I had to do it without oxygen! Yikes!!! When all that was done, I went back to my room with a list of things to practice and work on. When I asked when I'd see them again, they said I'd graduated with flying colors!!!! I couldn't believe it!!! All I could say is, "God is good!"
At 12:30 Thursday, I had the most awesome massage of my life! Now, I've had some pretty great massages before, but this one was the best for several different reasons...I was alive to get it, I was stressed from being so sick, and my muscles were in a zillion knots. She was sweet and gentle and kind and good....and I fell asleep! Yep, she left at 1:30, and I was out until 3:00. What a much-needed rest! Which brings me back to the foundation I want to start in the future. Massage therapy is a saving grace! And, Teresa, we might even be able to combine it with some pet therapy!!!! Oh, the wheels are turning.......
Last night before I went to bed, they put me in (or I sould say bound me in) these sharp white leggings (actually thigh-highs) that are so tight, it feels as if your legs might pop. But, they are supposed to get rid of the swelling, along with the dieuretic, so I'm all for anything that will make the job of shaving my legs and putting on lotion easier. So, there I laid in these "muffin top thigh thingys" and noone to laugh at me with me. I almost took a picture, but thought better of it....some things are just better left unseen! :)
A special scripture that a sweet friend sent helped me alot on Thursday, and I'd like to share it:
Joshua 1:9
"Have I not told you? Be strong and have strength of heart! Do not be afraid or lose faith. For the Lord your God is with you anywhere you go."
Good night (belated from last night)
Sweet dreams~
Joey :)