Saturday, May 31, 2008
There are sooooooo many people I need to thank for the last 2 1/2 weeks and all the wonderful random acts of kindness you have shown me and my family, but I hesitate to start saying names and unintentionally leave someone out. So, I'm going to do this the best way I know how and hope that each of you who read this will know your contribution and know that I thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart. I would not be here today if it weren't for each and every one of you and the roles you played!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for.....praying; visiting; encouraging; taking care of me (at home and in the hospital); transporting me to St. Louis; flying my family to St. Louis; sending cards, letters, gifts, goodies, and e-mails; starting a BLOG; keeping everyone posted via texts and e-mail; driving to St. Louis to make a delivery full of gifts and love; visiting me in St. Louis; driving my family back and forth to Arkansas; did I mention praying?; bringing Blake and Brooke to see me; cleaning my house; watering my flowers; getting my mail; mowing my lawn; taking care of the pool; picking up, taking care of, feeding, transporting, and LOVING my kids while I was away!!! For these things and so many more that I know I've forgotten. Thank you all so very much!!!!
Shocking, I know, but it's storming AGAIN!!!!, so I'd hate to get electricuted after all this! Here's my closing scripture for the day from a long-time teacher friend and mentor:
Romans 8:28: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God; to them who are called according to His purpose."
I hope you've enjoyed your Saturday, and have a wonderful Sunday!!!
Much love~
Joey :)
Visitor from Way Back!
Jill Forga (a friend of mine since 3rd grade) got in around 7:30 Friday evening and we stayed up and giggled and talked til past 11:00. Of course, we would've been in bed early like good girls, but there was ANOTHER storm in St. Louis last night, and it lightninged, thundered, rained, and hailed quite a bit. The power went out, but luckily, there were no middle-of-the-night treks to the hallway....thank goodness!!! Just don't think many of us in ICU step-down really care to "bare it all" for the cause, anymore than we have to!! :) Anyway, it's been a GREAT visit, and she has been a blessing to me!! I got to walk to the elevator, ride downstairs, pick up food in the cafeteria, eat lunch downstairs, and get a break from the room. Yippee!! I'm so glad Jilly was here to help me through that! I kept saying, "It feels like everyone is staring at me." She just smiled and said, "That's because you look pretty!" Okay, for those of you who know Jill (or should I say Christy Brinkley's twin), that meant alot! But, I do have to tell you, she was just being sweet. You see, at that moment, I had a green hue about me, I was struggling to see with these glasses, I had on my fuzzy BRIGHT PINK robe I referenced earlier (which we have strategically tied my foley (catheter) bag into to hide it, and I was lookng around the room like a kid lost in NYC! I was a sight to behold, I'm SURE!! Here are some pics. of us later in the day...I promise I DO get out of this bed, but I'm learning "baby steps", so I rest when I need to.....
Dr. Manian, the Infectious Disease dr. that has been working my case in St. Louis came in Friday afternoon and gave a much-anticipated diagnosis: Coxackie B. It is a very serious virus associated with the flu that attacked my body full-force. (To say the least!) I aksed him about my immune system and if it was just worn down and that's why I got so sick. He assured me I had a wonderful immune system, and I wouldn't be here if I didn't, so that was nice to hear! He also mentoned that sometimes we can have what's known as an over-active immune system that kicks in to work double-time and never really lets you know your sick. He said he truly felt like that was the case with me. That was music to my ears because I have been trying to be healthy for so long, and it just seemed to backfire in my face. It's very difficult to lay in a hospital bed, practically breathing your last breath, and feel on trial for every natural herb, vitamin, food, or drink you've ever injested. I know the doctors and nurses were completely doing their jobs, but I do hope and pray that someday the medical world and natural world of care will work together as a collective group to make us a healthier people....not constantly pull against each other, leaving patients in the middle. This brings me to the Kombucha Tea (that "kooky" tea I drink) that everyone has been talking about. Originally, they thought it had something to do with my illness. I was surprised because I've been drinking it regularly for over a year now, and it actually made me have more energy, feel better, etc. I could see where making my own could have caused an issue, but I know several people who do that on a regular basis and are fine. I did have an excessive amount of yeast in my body which probably came from the tea, but I did want to squelch the rumor that the "kooky" tea is what caused all this illnes in my body. Okay, enough of my soapbox. :) My sissy-friend, Jill Forga, came up last night, and she's spending the weekend with me, so I'll post more later about some of our shenanigans last night.....never a dull moment in Room 454! :)
Before closing, here's a scripture sent to me by a great couple friend I've had for years. It's a promise from God. :)
Jeremiah 29:12
"Then you will call upon me and go and pray to me and I will listen to you."
Have a wonderful Saturday!!! I'm one day closer to being home.....woohoo!!! :)
Before closing, here's a scripture sent to me by a great couple friend I've had for years. It's a promise from God. :)
Jeremiah 29:12
"Then you will call upon me and go and pray to me and I will listen to you."
Have a wonderful Saturday!!! I'm one day closer to being home.....woohoo!!! :)
Friday, May 30, 2008
My Kids- Blake and Brooke
As I finished up the last post, I looked up at the pictures that have kept me going the past week....those of my precious kiddos, Blake and Brooke!!! :) I have been able to talk to them off and on the past week and a half, but it is not the same as having them with me!!! I have been so busy rambling about me and all that's going on in my "neck of the woods", that I have failed to talk about them and what a blessing they are in my life!!! B&B both helped me decorate my new room last Saturday, so everywhere I look, I catch a glimpse of them! They had to wear masks, and I was on oxygen, so I know they must have been petrified, but they are such strong kids!!! i am counting down the minutes to see them, hug them, kiss them, and hold them (I know, guys, sorry...but it's true....you'll always be my "babies"!). They are staying with Mom and Dad this weekend, so I know they will have tons of fun! They have also gotten to see their Nana and Papa from Florida and their Aunt Betty and Uncle Paul this week, so that's been a special treat! I want to personally thank their Dad, Doug Huston, and his wife, Sharee, for making a VERY long drive in the rain to bring Blake and Brooke to see me last weekend!!! I didn't get to see Brianna, (their baby sister), but I heard she was quite entertaining in the waiting room. :) I truly believe seeing B&B shortened my recovery by at least a week or two!!! They are so full of life and so loving..I thank God everyday for them (now more than ever)! I also want to thank everyone who checked on them and talked with them (counselors and teachers at school), and everyone who picked them up, took them to school, let them spend the night, and made them feel at home. I can't express enough thank yous for that!!!! Here are a few pictures that happened to be on my camera when I looked at it yesterday. They were from Tuesday, May 13th, at Brooke's Orchestra Concert where she played violin and her dad played guitar for one song. Ironically enough, that's the afternoon I was first sick, and that night was the first of many incessant coughing nights ahead. But, I look how happy we all are, and I have to believe we'll have many happy days ahead!!!! Blake and Brooke, your momma loves you.....up and down, and all around the town. I love you backward and forward, and inside out!!! :)
Good afternoon! It's 1:15 on Friday, May 30, 2008 (TGIF!!!), and I have been WITHOUT oxygen since I woke up at 7:00 this morning!!! Woohoo!!! What a relief to have the freedom, strength, and energy to breathe on my own!!! I have learned a few tricks to keep my oxygen level in the 90's (thanks to my great friend and personal ICU nurse, Andrea Fair), but sometimes it goes a little down. When it does, I have this contraption called an Incentive Spirometer (which I've nicknamed the ball toy) that helps me take deeper breaths. To give you an idea of how much healthier and stronger my lungs are now, I could barely get it to level 250 in ICU, and now I'm regularly getting it to 750. I still have a lot of work to do, as my goal is 1000. But, I'm getting there. I don't think (no, I know) I'll never take another breath for granted ever again!!! :)
Lunch was a little rough today. A few days ago, I had such a great appetite, but I had those ulcers in my mouth. Then I had a great appetite, but I had thrush in my mouth. Then I had a great appetite and couldn't eat very much. Today, sad to say, I had no appetite at all, and I had to force myself to eat. I really need to eat for nutrition purposes, so I hope that changes soon! (Can you imagine me, the girl who plans her days around her next meal, begging for an appetite?!?!? Ha!) I'm going to try a Boost because the Ensure have just about made me gag the last two times I choked them down. Now....I want everyone to remind me of this 6 months from now when I'm complaining about that "extra 10 lbs I can't seem to lose"! TeeHee! :)
I think it's appropriate to share this now that I'm for sure going to make it (might have been a bit much a week and a half ago), but it's always been one of my favorite poems, and now that it's been put to music and images, it's even better. Some of you may know it, it's called "The Dash", and this is the link: http://www.thedashmovie.com/
It gives us ALL something to think about for sure....make your dash count! :)
In closing, this scripture has rung very true the past few days, and it was sent to me by a life-long friend, so it made it even more special. Thank you, Mrs. Soo! :)
Isaiah 41:30
"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall, but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Have a wonderful Friday afternoon!
I wish I was in Rogers with my family and friends, but it's just not time yet. Soon, though, very soon! (I hope!!!)
Love you all~
Joey :)
Lunch was a little rough today. A few days ago, I had such a great appetite, but I had those ulcers in my mouth. Then I had a great appetite, but I had thrush in my mouth. Then I had a great appetite and couldn't eat very much. Today, sad to say, I had no appetite at all, and I had to force myself to eat. I really need to eat for nutrition purposes, so I hope that changes soon! (Can you imagine me, the girl who plans her days around her next meal, begging for an appetite?!?!? Ha!) I'm going to try a Boost because the Ensure have just about made me gag the last two times I choked them down. Now....I want everyone to remind me of this 6 months from now when I'm complaining about that "extra 10 lbs I can't seem to lose"! TeeHee! :)
I think it's appropriate to share this now that I'm for sure going to make it (might have been a bit much a week and a half ago), but it's always been one of my favorite poems, and now that it's been put to music and images, it's even better. Some of you may know it, it's called "The Dash", and this is the link: http://www.thedashmovie.com/
It gives us ALL something to think about for sure....make your dash count! :)
In closing, this scripture has rung very true the past few days, and it was sent to me by a life-long friend, so it made it even more special. Thank you, Mrs. Soo! :)
Isaiah 41:30
"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall, but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Have a wonderful Friday afternoon!
I wish I was in Rogers with my family and friends, but it's just not time yet. Soon, though, very soon! (I hope!!!)
Love you all~
Joey :)
Catch-up from Thursday
Well, I have tried to post this two times, and it keeps timing me out, so hopefully, the third time will be the charm! I was supposed to go to Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy at 9:30 Thursday morning, but they were running behind. You see, there's this thing called "Hospital Time" that doesn't necessarily coincide with "Joey Time" (Imagine that!), so I'm learning that just because it's written down or scheduled, it doesn't mean the world will stop if it doesn't happen. Hmmm...perhaps a lesson I need to learn?!? :) Well, went to OT and PT @ 11:00, but I was groggy from napping. I was so worried that I would flunk out, and they would send me back. But God decided to go with me (He seems to be doing an awful lot of that lately.), and I perked right up in the frigid therapy room! I had to do several tasks like dress and undress myself, put clothes in the hamper, sit on a regular level toilet (fully-clothed, so don't gross out), step up and down from a platform, lift weights, do several exercises, and walk, walk, walk! The main trick was I had to do it without oxygen! Yikes!!! When all that was done, I went back to my room with a list of things to practice and work on. When I asked when I'd see them again, they said I'd graduated with flying colors!!!! I couldn't believe it!!! All I could say is, "God is good!"
At 12:30 Thursday, I had the most awesome massage of my life! Now, I've had some pretty great massages before, but this one was the best for several different reasons...I was alive to get it, I was stressed from being so sick, and my muscles were in a zillion knots. She was sweet and gentle and kind and good....and I fell asleep! Yep, she left at 1:30, and I was out until 3:00. What a much-needed rest! Which brings me back to the foundation I want to start in the future. Massage therapy is a saving grace! And, Teresa, we might even be able to combine it with some pet therapy!!!! Oh, the wheels are turning.......
Last night before I went to bed, they put me in (or I sould say bound me in) these sharp white leggings (actually thigh-highs) that are so tight, it feels as if your legs might pop. But, they are supposed to get rid of the swelling, along with the dieuretic, so I'm all for anything that will make the job of shaving my legs and putting on lotion easier. So, there I laid in these "muffin top thigh thingys" and noone to laugh at me with me. I almost took a picture, but thought better of it....some things are just better left unseen! :)
A special scripture that a sweet friend sent helped me alot on Thursday, and I'd like to share it:
Joshua 1:9
"Have I not told you? Be strong and have strength of heart! Do not be afraid or lose faith. For the Lord your God is with you anywhere you go."
Good night (belated from last night)
Sweet dreams~
Joey :)
At 12:30 Thursday, I had the most awesome massage of my life! Now, I've had some pretty great massages before, but this one was the best for several different reasons...I was alive to get it, I was stressed from being so sick, and my muscles were in a zillion knots. She was sweet and gentle and kind and good....and I fell asleep! Yep, she left at 1:30, and I was out until 3:00. What a much-needed rest! Which brings me back to the foundation I want to start in the future. Massage therapy is a saving grace! And, Teresa, we might even be able to combine it with some pet therapy!!!! Oh, the wheels are turning.......
Last night before I went to bed, they put me in (or I sould say bound me in) these sharp white leggings (actually thigh-highs) that are so tight, it feels as if your legs might pop. But, they are supposed to get rid of the swelling, along with the dieuretic, so I'm all for anything that will make the job of shaving my legs and putting on lotion easier. So, there I laid in these "muffin top thigh thingys" and noone to laugh at me with me. I almost took a picture, but thought better of it....some things are just better left unseen! :)
A special scripture that a sweet friend sent helped me alot on Thursday, and I'd like to share it:
Joshua 1:9
"Have I not told you? Be strong and have strength of heart! Do not be afraid or lose faith. For the Lord your God is with you anywhere you go."
Good night (belated from last night)
Sweet dreams~
Joey :)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
OOOps!!! Good Night, May 29, 2008
I had a whole long post about the rest of my day, but I failed to hit publish before previewing. So..... I lost it all. Yikes! Will redo tomorrow. Silly me.....scary that I work for the Technology Dept, huh? :)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Good morning, good morning, good morning, it's time to rise and shine!!!! Now, how many of you secretly wanted me singing that to you at 5:30 this morning when I was getting round 945,000 of antibiotics, IV fluids, pills, blood drawn, temperature and blood pressure taken, and being stuck with a needle?!?!? Well......good thing they keep me kinda tied up and busy with all all that, or I would have---because I KNOW how all my friends and family enjoy that wonderful song at the crack of smack! Ha! No, really, nights still seem to be my roughest times. I usually get a really bad headache followed by a fever, then yucky sweats.....nothing like laying in a bed that is not my own, miles from home, drenched in wet, just praying I could flit right back to Rogers and be in my own bed. (I'd still hate the night sweats, but they might be more bearable there~teehee!)
It's 8:50 a.m. now, and I've had my breakfast (yes, I can eat much better now, thank God in Heaven above!) The mouth ulcers (I think I counted like 40 in my mouth, and there were more down my throat) and the thrush (from all the yeast in my body) are really clearing up. I LOVE food, as you all well know, so it's been a treat to eat. I took care of business (I know, TMI, but they get really excited about that around here, so I feel compelled to share my accomplishment!), and am sitting in a chair waiting for Physical Therapy. Yippee!!!! CAN'T WAIT for these legs and body to do what I've always taken for granted before....walk, sit, stand, move, kick, etc....properly. It's a strange sensation to lose that ability, and I'm up for the challenge to get back to 100%!
After PT, I'm TAKING A SHOWER!!!!!!! Oh, just the word makes me so Happy Happy Joy Joy!!! Running water over my hair and back (of course I'm sitting on a stoool in the shower but, hey, no biggy). I jst pretend I'm in one of those commercials for Hawaii where they're under the waterfall. I can actually convince myself I'm there! Amazing! I'm SURE it has nothing to do with the morphine! TeeHee! :)
The highlight of my day today is at 12:30.......I GET TO HAVE A MASSAGE!!!!! WOOHOO!!! Mom, Dad, Greg, Andrea, and Joey spoiled me by rubbing my weary and knotty muscles when they were all here, but now I've started cramping up again, so I get to have one. Guess my pouty face worked. :) The Dr. said, "Now I can order it, but you'll have to pay for it." I was like, "No problem. I'll give my fat right thigh for it," He giggled! And in the back of my mind I'm thinking, "I'm in an awesome hospital that is somewhere between $40 and $50 thousand dollars a day, and he's worried about me paying for a massage?!?" I have to admit, I had my own little giggle- to-self on that one!!! :) Speaking of massages, I have been thinking about this since I was @ St. Mary's in Rogers. I really am impressed with medicine and what it can do to save your life, but the touch of the human hand is worth sooooooo much more! So, I've come up with a little plan I'd like to start, a foundation of sorts. I'll tell more about it later, but the name is going to be, "Healing Hands of Mercy Massage", and the mission statement is going to be, "Medicine is wonderful for saving people's lives, but it takes the touch of the human hand to heal." After you hear my whole story (and I'll get to it in bits and pieces, I promise), you will understand what I mean........and I just KNOW you will want to make a tax-deductible donation to our charitable cause. :) I just don't ever quit thinking, do I?!?!!? Well, that's just me, so like it or leave it! :) Sorry, I'm getting a little sassy.....2 1/2 weeks of being sick kinda does that to ya! :)
My sweet momma, Donna Vantine, has been here nearly the whole time. She ran (well, rode, home with Jennifer Little) on Sat. with my Dad, and and came back Sunday with Amy Wolfe. She has been in the room with me, trying to get caught up on sleep, and spoiling me rotten----I know you can't even imagine that!! :) She gave me an hour-long foot rub/massage last night, and it was heavenly! She may be returning with my Dad to Rogers today or Friday so she can help with Blake and Brooke over the weekend, so please keep them and safe travels in your prayers. They are both exhausted!!! I would also like to thank my mom; my dad, Joey Vantine; my brother, Greg Vantine; Andrea Fair, and Joey Gall for being in Rogers and St. Louis with me during the worst part of my journey. They each contributed a crucial role in my recovery, and I couldn't have asked for a better team on my side. They knew what to say, when to be quiet, when to hold my hand, when to enourage, when to fight for me when I was too weak, when to let me cry, when to pray, and when to be still. God put each of them with me for a specific purpose, and to all of them I say "Thank You, and I am eternally grateful". I owe each them my life in one way or another. I wouldn't have made it without God and them....of that, I'm sure.
I'm going to close with a scripture a dear friend sent in an e-mail. It has helped me each and every day. I hope it helps you now or in a time of need as well....believe me, we never know what tomorrow holds, so enjoy each and every moment you are given....and that's an order!!!! :)
Deut. 31:8 "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you.He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged."
Have a great day!
Until later, much love~
Joey :)
It's 8:50 a.m. now, and I've had my breakfast (yes, I can eat much better now, thank God in Heaven above!) The mouth ulcers (I think I counted like 40 in my mouth, and there were more down my throat) and the thrush (from all the yeast in my body) are really clearing up. I LOVE food, as you all well know, so it's been a treat to eat. I took care of business (I know, TMI, but they get really excited about that around here, so I feel compelled to share my accomplishment!), and am sitting in a chair waiting for Physical Therapy. Yippee!!!! CAN'T WAIT for these legs and body to do what I've always taken for granted before....walk, sit, stand, move, kick, etc....properly. It's a strange sensation to lose that ability, and I'm up for the challenge to get back to 100%!
After PT, I'm TAKING A SHOWER!!!!!!! Oh, just the word makes me so Happy Happy Joy Joy!!! Running water over my hair and back (of course I'm sitting on a stoool in the shower but, hey, no biggy). I jst pretend I'm in one of those commercials for Hawaii where they're under the waterfall. I can actually convince myself I'm there! Amazing! I'm SURE it has nothing to do with the morphine! TeeHee! :)
The highlight of my day today is at 12:30.......I GET TO HAVE A MASSAGE!!!!! WOOHOO!!! Mom, Dad, Greg, Andrea, and Joey spoiled me by rubbing my weary and knotty muscles when they were all here, but now I've started cramping up again, so I get to have one. Guess my pouty face worked. :) The Dr. said, "Now I can order it, but you'll have to pay for it." I was like, "No problem. I'll give my fat right thigh for it," He giggled! And in the back of my mind I'm thinking, "I'm in an awesome hospital that is somewhere between $40 and $50 thousand dollars a day, and he's worried about me paying for a massage?!?" I have to admit, I had my own little giggle- to-self on that one!!! :) Speaking of massages, I have been thinking about this since I was @ St. Mary's in Rogers. I really am impressed with medicine and what it can do to save your life, but the touch of the human hand is worth sooooooo much more! So, I've come up with a little plan I'd like to start, a foundation of sorts. I'll tell more about it later, but the name is going to be, "Healing Hands of Mercy Massage", and the mission statement is going to be, "Medicine is wonderful for saving people's lives, but it takes the touch of the human hand to heal." After you hear my whole story (and I'll get to it in bits and pieces, I promise), you will understand what I mean........and I just KNOW you will want to make a tax-deductible donation to our charitable cause. :) I just don't ever quit thinking, do I?!?!!? Well, that's just me, so like it or leave it! :) Sorry, I'm getting a little sassy.....2 1/2 weeks of being sick kinda does that to ya! :)
My sweet momma, Donna Vantine, has been here nearly the whole time. She ran (well, rode, home with Jennifer Little) on Sat. with my Dad, and and came back Sunday with Amy Wolfe. She has been in the room with me, trying to get caught up on sleep, and spoiling me rotten----I know you can't even imagine that!! :) She gave me an hour-long foot rub/massage last night, and it was heavenly! She may be returning with my Dad to Rogers today or Friday so she can help with Blake and Brooke over the weekend, so please keep them and safe travels in your prayers. They are both exhausted!!! I would also like to thank my mom; my dad, Joey Vantine; my brother, Greg Vantine; Andrea Fair, and Joey Gall for being in Rogers and St. Louis with me during the worst part of my journey. They each contributed a crucial role in my recovery, and I couldn't have asked for a better team on my side. They knew what to say, when to be quiet, when to hold my hand, when to enourage, when to fight for me when I was too weak, when to let me cry, when to pray, and when to be still. God put each of them with me for a specific purpose, and to all of them I say "Thank You, and I am eternally grateful". I owe each them my life in one way or another. I wouldn't have made it without God and them....of that, I'm sure.
I'm going to close with a scripture a dear friend sent in an e-mail. It has helped me each and every day. I hope it helps you now or in a time of need as well....believe me, we never know what tomorrow holds, so enjoy each and every moment you are given....and that's an order!!!! :)
Deut. 31:8 "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you.He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged."
Have a great day!
Until later, much love~
Joey :)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Just one more thing (imagine that!!!) TeeHee! My cell phone has technically died, and we can't find the charger. Believe it or not, I'm actually not hyperventillating (my, how I've matured!), but I do want to let you know in case you are calling or texting. I have not been getting them. So.....I'm not ignoring you! What did people do before technology?!? Things that make you go, "HHmmmmm..."!
J :)
J :)
WOOHOO!!! "Just Joey" is on the mend...
It's dinnertime, and this is my first attempt to post something to the blog, so it's going to be short and sweet. Since I am definitely going to live (thank the good Lord in Heaven above), and I know Teenski (Tena Reese) and Dombr (Jeff Dombrowski) have gone above and beyond the past week to keep texts flying and blogs posting to keep everyone updated with factual information (thanks to my mom, dad, brother, Andrea and Joey), I will relieve them of this duty and take over the best I can. Thanks guys......from the bottom of my still-beating heart....for taking care of this while I was away!!!! Like I said, it's dinner time, but I can't eat until I let each and every one of you reading this know how much I THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! so very much for your prayers, faith, thoughts, e-mails, cards, goodies, and well wishes! All of those things have kept me going, and I am eternally grateful to each of you! I assure you it will never be forgotten, and I also assure you that the power of prayer is real. I am living proof, and that is not a mellowdramatic, overreactive comment coming from a sick girl (okay, woman.....I am turning 40 this year, so I guess I'm not technically a girl! Ha!) I promise to post when I can, and you know I will.........because I want you to feel like you are HERE!!! HA!
Much love and thanks,
Joey :)
Much love and thanks,
Joey :)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I wanted to walk to halls but ...
Joey writes about an interesting experience she had today. A little background knowledge might help. She has some extra fluid and some of it has settled around her mid section and thighs. (A story all too familiar to some of us but ours probably isn't "fluid"- At least mine isn't. :) But I'm keeping you from her story, she writes...
"Ok, here's a funny 4 u-I've got company 2day, and all of a sudden we have 2 evacuate 2 the hallway because a level 2 tornado has been sited. So they throw on my robe, put my 20 lb catheter bag in my pocket while I shuffle my thunder thighs and saddlebag butt to the hallway. What I site I was!"
Well, as Joey says, she never does anything half way... ;)
"Ok, here's a funny 4 u-I've got company 2day, and all of a sudden we have 2 evacuate 2 the hallway because a level 2 tornado has been sited. So they throw on my robe, put my 20 lb catheter bag in my pocket while I shuffle my thunder thighs and saddlebag butt to the hallway. What I site I was!"
Well, as Joey says, she never does anything half way... ;)
Walking the Halls
Joey is no longer in isolation, she gets to walk the halls and take a shower. She is almost weened off oxygen and all counts are looking WAY better! She says, "Woohoo! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE EMAILS AND CONTINUED PRAYERS- I FEEL THEM ALL! I love you guys now more than ever! Just Joey's on the mend! ;-)
Monday, May 26, 2008
Baby Steps
Joey is doing really well. It was wonderful to hear her voice. She has a long road in front of her but her spirits are high and she is thankful to everyone for their prayers and knows God has been with her throughout her experience.
All of her organs are continuing to return to normal. She continues to grow stronger but is still quite weak overall. She did take a few baby steps today! Although she isn't getting winded as bad, talking for too long is taxing. (We all know that will be a little hard for our Joey to pace herself when it comes to talking but she seems to be doing a good job so far. :-)
I gave Joey the blog information tonight so she might start posting soon. I think she has quite a story to tell and I pray for the day she can join us again. In the mean time, don't forget she LOVES the emails. Tell her about what's going on, where you went, what movie you saw, something funny that happened, where you ate, who you ate with, what you did over the weekend... O.K. you get the picture. You know what she wants....Life! (And praise the Lord she has it!)
With Much Care
All of her organs are continuing to return to normal. She continues to grow stronger but is still quite weak overall. She did take a few baby steps today! Although she isn't getting winded as bad, talking for too long is taxing. (We all know that will be a little hard for our Joey to pace herself when it comes to talking but she seems to be doing a good job so far. :-)
I gave Joey the blog information tonight so she might start posting soon. I think she has quite a story to tell and I pray for the day she can join us again. In the mean time, don't forget she LOVES the emails. Tell her about what's going on, where you went, what movie you saw, something funny that happened, where you ate, who you ate with, what you did over the weekend... O.K. you get the picture. You know what she wants....Life! (And praise the Lord she has it!)
With Much Care
Happy Memorial Day Everyone!
The following msg(s) are from Joey: Happy Memorial Day everyone! Thank you SO much for all your prayers, cards, emails, & gifts! I am overwhelmed & humbled more than I can express! I have a very serious viral infection that has not been identified. They all laugh & say I'm a Dr. House mystery case-ha! I can't do anything half-way! Teehee! I am very blessed with wonderful family & friends, & your kindnesses will never be forgotten! I am feeling much better, & improve everyday. But I still have lots of work ahead of me. I took several steps today, & my goal for tomorrow is to take a shower-woohoo! I know...TMI! :) I'll be here this week, but not sure after that. Love u! Joey
Sunday, May 25, 2008
News we have been waiting for ...
Joey has made some big improvements. She is in her new room. Her kidney and liver functions are about back to normal. Her lung capacity improving; she isn't getting as winded when she talks. Her white blood count is still slightly elevated but steady. She will begin physical therapy today or tomorrow. I know Joey is hoping to start posting to her blog soon but for now it is still by proxy. Remember prayer and email are both great!
Emails.. Great
Joey is still maintaining. There hasn't been any significant improvement. However, as was posted in the last post, they are moving to a step down unit which is a good sign.
Joey has gotten to see a few more freinds and family this weekend. She still really enjoys reading the emails and feeling like she is a part of what is going on in Rogers. She told everyone to have fun at the lake this weekend. She wants to thank everyone for their cards, emails and prayers.
*Thank you for your thoughtfulness but please don't send flowers. Although the they are beautiful, she is still short of breath and can't have flowers in her room. Perhaps you might send a card or email.
Joey has gotten to see a few more freinds and family this weekend. She still really enjoys reading the emails and feeling like she is a part of what is going on in Rogers. She told everyone to have fun at the lake this weekend. She wants to thank everyone for their cards, emails and prayers.
*Thank you for your thoughtfulness but please don't send flowers. Although the they are beautiful, she is still short of breath and can't have flowers in her room. Perhaps you might send a card or email.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
A Little Bit of Rogers
Good News! When a bed is available, Joey will be moved to a Step Down ICU room. Her kids were just walking in at the time of this update. She was sitting up in her chair with her hair braided ready for her kids when they came in! Joey loves reading the emails that are being sent and has asked that you "tell her about what's going on with your life." She wants to "feel like she has a little part of Rogers in her room."
Friday, May 23, 2008
Still Holding Steady - Friday am
Joey is still holding steady. She is off blood pressure meds. Everything is still the same as yesterday which is good. They still don't know the cause but they are seeing improvements. She enjoys seeing the emails so keep them coming. ;)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Thursday pm
Good News! Joey's liver enzymes decreased by half. She was able to sit up in a chair and eat something other than ice chips. She was also off blood pressure meds for a time too. Joey's team of doctors include an infectious disease specialist and a cardiologist. This is is good news as well since there are very limited infectious disease doctors in Arkansas. They have been going over all the tests and information and continue to search for the cause.
Joey has been in good spirits today and has been reading the email messages that people have sent that the hospital have printed for her.
Joey has been in good spirits today and has been reading the email messages that people have sent that the hospital have printed for her.
Welcome to ... The Joey Blog
As you know, our dear Joey has been quite sick for the past few days. This blog has been created to help keep family and friends informed with updates and prayer needs. More information will be coming shortly. One thing Joey wanted everyone to know is that they can send email through the St. John's website. The messages are printed and delivered to her room. The hospital website is http://www.stjohnsmercy.org/
More updates will be on the way!
More updates will be on the way!
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